Sugar work!!!
Today I played around with sugar and man, it was sweet. I made sugar glass and attempted sugar cages as well. And AS PROMISED, I made a sort of cooking show style video about the sugar glass. This was super fun and I got to try out some video editing with DaVinci Resolve 16. DaVinci was fairly easy to use and I only had to look up one YouTube video to get what I needed from it, which was a song overlay and some cutting. I was able to get some creative commons music from a website called Unminus where I found some nice music to overlay my video with. I found using the video editing software actually super fun. Originally it was just another skill I had to check off but I enjoyed it and could see myself using it within my future classrooms either to show students how to use it for assignments or to use it to create content for my classes. So without further ado, here is my influencer quality (LOL) video on how to make sugar glass. (Side note – the file upload size of the video was too big for WordPress so I had to upload it to YouTube and now I feel extra influency).
Here is some after photos of the glass and of course, a Boomerang of me smashing it – the best part, obviously.
Unfortunately, because of all the corn syrup in the recipe, the glass itself was nearly inedible. I mean, you could eat it, you just might get a huge dentist bill after because the stickiness could have taken a tooth with it. But despite not eating it, it was a super fun project and I don’t feel bad about wasting all that sugar cause I had a blast doing it. I was also super stoked on the color that I was able to get from the sugar. In the how-to video I watched, he burned the sugar slightly so it turned a very dark color while this one was see-through!
The sugar cages were also fun to do but did not turn out at all. In the video, it explains to build the cage of sugar on the back of a oiled ladle. Which I did. Except her sugar was a heck of a lot easier to take off. When I attempted to take my cage off the ladle it completely shattered. BUT, it was extremely edible and super delicious because it was just straight up heated sugar – no bad corn syrup to get all stuck on my teeth.

I will definitely use more sugar work in my future, it’s really fun to do and can get very creative. I would love to create a crazy sugar nest to stick on top of a cake one day.
October 27, 2020 — 8:17 pm
This was fantastic! My boys and I will definitely be trying this at some point in the not too distant future!