Buttercream flowers! Accomplished! Mostly… you can call ’em flowers if you want to… (wow, that clip from Bambi is the cutest ever, should I get my Disney+ account back?)
I made about a gallon of pretty pink icing to practice with. With piping bag locked and loaded in one hand, I pressed play on my instructional YouTube video with the other hand.
I thought my first attempt was pretty good, except the icing had started to soften a little too much so that my pretty pink roses came out more like… pretty pink blobs. After putting the icing in the fridge for a while, I was able to pipe out something that much more resembled a rose! It was also better the second time around as I had actually finished watching the instructional video and had realized I had the piping tip upside down so the petals were coming out too wide. Sometimes my need to “beat” the instructions gets the best of me, I’ll admit.
I scooped my trial icing back into its bowl after eating a few (maybe more) spoonfuls to be brought back out for another day when I had time to actually bake something to go along with it. And that day finally came near the end of the week at about 11pm when I finally had the energy.
I stayed up until about 1am baking and icing and eating. The results of my piping came out recognizable and quite good if I may toot my own horn, and I tried a couple different flower techniques. Again the icing has been tucked away in its bowl in the fridge for another piping adventure. I think that for this week I will try out writing in icing: time to break out my cursive worksheets from second grade! Do you think I’ll get extra points for writing out my lesson plan for EDCI 352 in cursive buttercream icing? I know there’s a lack of words in this post but I think in this case, pictures may be better. Here’s some pictures of my pretty good buttercream flowers!